Jackie (Werenski) Mitchell and Mike Garvin
Carolyn Giroward
Pat (Reynolds) & Jay Barr
Marsha Tyrer and The Grieshaber Girls
Chuck & Judy Hitt talking with Virginia Brouillard
Marchetta Ammer-Hancock and cousin Jackie (Mitchell) Werenski
Rita Crandall, Andy Riveria, Diane Koeber, and Janet Cyr
Kim & Jim Jagger and Lynn & Lennie Franks
Delores Borlase, Pat (Lips) Borlase, and Jim Borlase
Virginia & Denny Brouillard, Jay Barr, Carl Regalado, and Carolyn Giroward
Pat Reynolds, Janet Cyr, and Pat Lips
Diana Mery, Denny & Virginia Brouillard, and Al Borlase
Pat McHugh and Pat Sedrowski
Denny Mitchell, Cherie Mahana, and Tony Mery
Jackie Mitchell and "Weeps"
Rita Crandall, Sally De Ronne, and Mary Haggerty
Carl Regalado and Jay Barr
Rufino Regalado and Pat (Reynolds) Barr
"The Cheerleaders!" Pat Lips, Class of '63 and Don De Wulf, Class of 1950
The Class of 1963